How old do you need to be for Botox?

Looking, and probably more importantly, feeling young and healthy can make a world of difference to our lives. Many of us, constantly bombarded by images of young and beautiful people in advertising, television, and magazines, end up feeling somewhat inadequate as a result.

As this widespread phenomenon affects men and women of all ages, it’s not uncommon to see young adults seek appointments for Botox injections.

This asks the question: How old should you be before seeking Botox treatment?

The truth about Botox

Botox is a safe and natural “miracle drug”. Beyond cosmetics, it’s used to treat a wide range of conditions (excess sweating, muscle spasms, neck pains, eye problems, migraines, muscle stiffness, bladder issues…). As the chances of experiencing side effects whist being treated by a properly qualified, reputable practitioner in a clean, safe and appropriate environment are slim, it’s considered a safe drug which can be used by patients of all ages.

Does that mean anyone can get injections?

While many clinics may administer Botox to just about anyone, we believe a proper medical consultation is in order before any such procedure. Beyond the risks, if you’re under 25, you should seek the advice of a professional doctor in a reputable clinic such as ours. (Our first consultation is free). There may be simpler, more comfortable, and more importantly less expensive things you can do to achieve the desired result. This will depend heavily on what you wish to achieve, the type of skin you have and your general health. Botox can lift and brighten the face in an older woman with procedures such as a brow lift which can be continued well into your 80’s.

Although the chances of side effects are slim, a true medical expert can help you steer away from them and create a bespoke treatment for your exact skin type, facial shape, and desired outcome.

You should generally avoid Botox if you:

  • are allergic to any ingredients in Botox
  • have a skin infection or irritation in the injection area.
  • have a disease that affects your muscles and/or nerves.
  • have difficulty swallowing.
  • have bleeding-related problems.

You should definitely seek a medical aesthetic practitioner’s advice if you would like to have Botox and have any of the following:

  • An unsatisfactory outcome with Botox previously
  • You have asthma or other breathing problems.
  • You plan to undergo surgery in or near the area to inject.
  • You have had surgery
  • You have weak forehead muscles.
  • You have droopy eyelids.
  • You are taking certain medications or supplements.

As safe as Botox might be, even if you are young, it’s always best to consult a properly qualified doctor beforehand.

Make an appointment with Essex Aesthetics now. First consultations and top-ups are free.

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